Blog posts


My First Armageddon Bug

How I debugged the first bug that could have cost my employer customers


Go is a Well-Designed Language, Actually

Why not liking something is not the same as badly designed.


Technology Predictions for 2025

I make some predictions, ready to be laughed at this time next year.


Rust Ten Years On

Ten years ago I wrote a couple of blog posts about Rust. But will the code compile?


Implementing and Improving Skiplists

An explanation of the most well-known probablistic data structure and some performance numbers for different implementations


Book Review: Data-Oriented Design

A review of Richard Fabian's Data-Oriented Design


Software I Love: Gerrit

I explain why I love the review tool Gerrit and how more popular tools don't come close


Why Zig Clicks

I explain why Zig seems to click for me and makes me excited to do some personal projects again


Writing My Final Year Project in Rust

For my last year of univeristy I had to write a project. I decided to do it in Rust


Creating Models of F1 Tracks in Rust - Part 2

We turn a series of points from OSM into a 3d model